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Packaging Design
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Blended Right - Juice Packaging Design

Blended Right, is a juice brand packaging design that comes with a variety of flavours that are 100 perecent blended from actual fruits. Different fruits are blended together to compliment the drink itself.

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Kiehl's - Packaging Design

New designs on an existing product line that will appeal to this generation of new consumers. An aesthetic, unique, and minimal packaging design of the spring season.

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Brand Design

Beyond Words Fest'21 - Brand Design

Interactive Website Design

After Midnight Bookstore - Website Design, html. 

After Midnight is a bookstore company based in Paris, France, and has increased in growing popularity throughout the years. It is a retailer of English, French, and Spanish language books with 20 outlets throughout France and Spain. After Midnight bookstore was first established in 2011 to entice the youths to ‘read for pleasure and knowledge’, reading is so much more than just scanning through the passage. When you enjoy reading, you experience, absorb, learn, and self-improve in the way of living life. We offer a large variety of genres from lifestyle to non-fiction to fiction and many more, to cater to our readers. With 8 years and counting since 2011, we are striving for a larger scale of outlets to influence all youths to appreciate and enjoy reading during their leisure time.

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Web and App Designs

Levi's - Jean Creatives

“JEANCREATIVES” is a Lifestyle and Social app involving a combination of an interactive eco-friendly lifestyle under Levi’s. The main intention of this app is to promote Levi’s Jeans sustainability branding which is to encourage an eco-friendly and creative lifestyle.


REFORM X Reformation

“REFORM” X ReFormation is an app that allows you to scan your clothing tags and show you a more in-depth version of where the item is made from, who made it, and what are the materials used to create the clothing item. It gives you information on whether the clothes you buy are sustainable and environmentally friendly. “REFORM X ReFormation also has an Instagram page to help promote its app and to help influence people to change their consumer habits towards fashion.

REFORM X ReFormation promotion

Limit-Less X Reformation

“Limit-Less” X Reformation, is a lifestyle and social website that promotes and shares information on its brand’s sustainable fashion strategy and lifestyle hacks. It also gives a platform for users to actively share, communicate and evolve with one another on their journey towards affordable sustainable fashion.

A Melancholic Drowning - Music


Concept: A melancholy Journey


The beginning of the song represents a feeling of sudden emptiness and sadness with this unknown loneliness slowly creeping your way with no such reasoning as to why. Doing everything in your power to put a stop to these such emotions to be able to get back to reality, with a hint of warmth slowly getting back into your soul, hope rises within you. Holding that hope tight with all your guts while still in a place of void filled with bleakness, struggling to escape a melancholy that might drive you to insanity.

Mood/Style: Melancholic and Hope for freedom

Genre: Orchestral


Vincent Van Gogh, the painting of the starry night.

The painting Starry Night was a view outside of the window from the asylum Vincent was at. Vincent Van Gogh’s painting style and techniques were very dreamlike and out of reach to reality, hence why I was inspired by him and specifically the painting of Starry Night he painted. Starry Night was painted using darker colors and this was the time when Vincent had a relapse on hallucinations and depression, it was a relapse start to melancholy. Starry Night was not the last painting he painted because thereafter he painted more paintings that conveyed his emptiness and sadness.

Postcard Design

Creating Memories

Through Film Cameras

Postcards Design

These Postcards represent the importance of film cameras and capturing memories through them. 

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Zine - The Memories that made me who I am today

A zine on the daily life of Andrei's thoughts and struggles.

Photo Publication

Photo Publication - Labelled:

Labelled: is a photo publication that showcases a series of photographs on what it's like being discriminated against and the insights on the different types of discrimination.

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Drowning in Thoughts Mini Concert
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Drowning in Thoughts - Concert to raise awareness on social anxiety

© 2020 by Mary Andrei Lynne Das.

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